Saturday, March 20, 2010

This is the place where I tell you about my autism...

You get to know about...

What my autism does to me

What it means to me

My relationships with other people

How I have to learn

So, this is where I get to tell you what life is like when you are autistic... Well, it's hard! The best way for me to do this is to tell you what my autism does to me, but I shall use correct terminology (don't worry, I'll either use brackets to give you the explanations in, or I'll create a link to a glossary page (if I can figure out how the hell one does it!!!) Or I could try telling you about it in the way that my friend Martin and me would talk things over when I turn up at his house and we get into the saga, and complicated ideas get turned into easy-listening academia! Martin's a good mate, and he believes there's

Thursday, March 18, 2010



Untuk mengenal pasti sama ada seorang pelajar itu bermasalah pembelajaran, penaksiran perlu dilakukan. Antara kaedah penaksiran yang digunakan ialah penaksiran formal, penaksiran dalam bilik darjah dan response to intervention (RTI).

5.1 Penaksiran Formal

5.1.1 Ujian Rujukan Norma

Ujian Rujukan Norma ialah ujian yang mengukur pencapaian seseorang individu untuk dibandingkan dengan pencapaian individu lain dalam sesuatu kumpulan. Ia merupakan suatu ujian yang digunakan untuk menentukan prestasi seseorang individu ke atas sesuatu tugasan supaya pencapaian individu tersebut boleh dibandingkan dengan pencapaian individu lain yang melakukan tugasan yang sama.

5.1.2 Ujian Rujukan Kriteria

Ujian Rujukan Kriteria adalah

Thursday, March 4, 2010



Pendidikan Khas ialah program yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi pelbagai keperluan murid khas, termasuk penggunaan bahan khas, peralatan khas, teknik p & p mengikut tahap kebolehan & keupayaan pelajar:-

• Perkembangan mental

• Kestabilan emosi

• Integrasi sosial

Apa Dia Pendidikan Khas ?

……… Pengajaran yang bercorak individu direka untuk


Kurikulum Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran (PKBP) digubal berasaskan kepelbagaian keupayaan individu berkeperluan khas yang tidak dapat menerima manfaat daripada program pendidikan arus perdana. Murid-murid yang berada dalam program PKBP terdiri daripada kumpulan murid dalam spectrum ketidakupayaan yang ringan, sederhana dan teruk dengan pelbagai tahap kefungsian daripada yang tinggi hingga rendah. Oleh itu rekebentuk kurikulum yang dibina adalah bersifat fleksibel bagi membolehkan guru mengembangkan bakat dan potensi sedia ada.

Kurikulum bermatlamat menyediakan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang fleksibel untuk

Monday, March 1, 2010


Many learners have problems in learning and especially in mathematics. The nature of their problems however varies. Some exhibit inconsistencies in their performance i.e. solving correctly one day but incorrectly the next day. There are learners who fail to maintain learned arithmetic and mathematics skills after some extended period of time and many others face difficulties in applying their knowledge in new situations. Some learners take longer period of tome to solve computational problems while others face problems in understanding the problems even before applying computational skills. Many other have developed distaste for and also fear of anything mathematical (Sharma, 1990).

The term dyscalculia is a medically oriented word that describes a severe disability in learning and using mathematics among learners. Dyscalculia refers to disorder in the ability to do or learn mathematics, i.e. difficulty in number conceptualization, understanding number relationships, and difficulty in learning algorithms and applying them. In essence, dyscalculia learners have lower arithmetic achievement, i.e. several years below the appropriate level.

Mathematics learning problem or disabilities can be due to several factors such as perceptual difficulties, listening and attending difficulties, remembering difficulties and thinking or understanding difficulties (Tucker, Singleton & Weaver, 2002).

Types of Mathematic Learning Disabilities

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Penulisan LO 2(Impact of LD)


Bilangan kanak-kanak yang menghadapi Masalah pembelajaran di Malaysia tidak dapat dikenalpasti secara tepat namun menurut Carol Turkington and Joseph R.harris, dalam buku berjudul Understanding Learning Disabilities menyatakan bahawa terdapat seorang daripada setiap lima orang di United States mengalami masalah pembelajaran.Namun demikian terdapat lagi bilangan kanak-kanak masih tidak direkodkan kerana kanak-kanak ini tidak menerima ujian diagnostik yang betul atau tidak mendapat rawatan kerana mereka ini dianggap tidak memerlukan perhatian yang khusus.

Tetapi tidak semua murid yang menghadapi masalah dalam pembelajaran merupakan kanak-kanak bermasalah pembelajaran (learning disabilities). Sesetengah kanak-kanak mungkin menunjukkan perkembangan yang agak lewat jika dibandingkan dengan kanak-kanak seusianya yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, betapa pentingnya pengenalpastian yang lebih awal atau rawatan awal bagi mengenalpasti simptom masalah pembelajaran. Di peringkat pembelajaran prasekolah lagi kanak-kanak bermasalah pembelajaran sepatutnya dapat dikenal pasti. Antara simptom kanak-kanak sebegini adalah menghadapi masalah bagi mengenal huruf, perkataan, menghubungkan bunyi dan huruf, pengiraan atau berkaitan dengan nombor, terlalu aktif atau pasif. Pada peringkat sekolah rendah kanak-kanak ini akan menghadapi masalah untuk belajar perkataan-perkataan baru, bercakap menggunakan ayat yang penuh, memahami perbualan, penulisan dan menguasai penyelesaian masalah matematik dan banyak lagi masalah lain.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Math Learning Disabilities(LEARNING OUTCOMES 5)

While children with disorders in mathematics are specifically included under the definition of Learning Disabilities, seldom do math learning difficulties cause children to be referred for evaluation. In many school systems, special education services are provided almost exclusively on the basis of children's reading disabilities. Even after being identified as learning disabled (LD), few children are provided substantive assessment and remediation of their arithmetic difficulties.

This relative neglect might lead parents and teachers to believe that arithmetic learning problems are not very common, or perhaps not very serious. However, approximately 6% of school-age children have significant math deficits and among students classified as learning disabled, arithmetic difficulties are as pervasive as reading problems. This does not mean that all reading disabilities are accompanied by arithmetic learning problems, but it does mean that math deficits are widespread and in need of equivalent attention and concern.

Evidence from learning disabled adults belies the social myth that it is okay to be rotten at math. The effects of math failure throughout years of schooling, coupled with math illiteracy in adult life, can seriously handicap both daily living and vocational prospects. In today's world, mathematical knowledge, reasoning, and skills are no less important than reading ability .

Different types of math learning problems

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Types of learning disabilities

Common Types of Learning Disabilities


Difficulty processing language

Problems reading, writing, spelling, speaking


Difficulty with math

Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money


Difficulty with writing

Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas

Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder)

Suggested Classroom Accommodations for Specific Behaviors (LEARNING OUTCOMES 6 )

When you see this behavior

Try this accommodation

1. Difficulty following a plan (has high aspirations but lacks follow-through); sets out to "get straight A’s,  
    ends up with F’s" (sets unrealistic goals) Assist student in setting long-range goals:

*break the goal into realistic parts.

*Use a questioning strategy with the student; ask,

What do you need to be able to do this?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kanak-Kanak Bermasalah Pembelajaran (Learning Disablity)


Kanak-kanak bermasalah pembelajaran adalah mereka yang mempunyai masalah neurologikal hingga menjejaskan pemahaman, penggunaan bahasa, pertuturan, penulisan, berfikir, membaca, menulis, mengeja dan bermatematik.


Kanak-kanak bermasalah pembelajaran merujuk kepada kanak-kanak yang mengalami halangan psikologikal atau neurologikal terhadap gerak balas bahasa, samada tulisan, perpsepsi kognitif atau aktiviti psikomotor. (sumber diolah daripada Buku Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak yang ditulis oleh Mok Soon Sang)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Although dyscalculia may be difficult to diagnose, there are strategies that teachers and parents should know about to aid students in learning mathematics.


What is Dysgraphia?

By: National Center for Learning Disabilities (2006)

Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing abilities. It can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper. Because writing requires a complex set of motor and information processing skills, saying a student has dysgraphia is not sufficient. A student with disorders in written expression will benefit from specific accommodations in the learning environment, as well as additional practice learning the skills required to be an accomplished writer.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Dear Math Professor:

(1.) On tests, please allow me scrap paper with lines and ample room for uncluttered figuring.

(2.) I need instant answers and a chance to do the problem over once if I get it wrong the first time. Often my mistakes are the result of "seeing" the problem wrong. To AVOID this, you would have to watch as I went through each problem and correct any mistakes in recording as they happened.

(3.) Problems written too closely together on the page cause me mental confusion and distress.

(4.) Please make the test problems pure, testing only the required skills. They must be free of large numbers and unnecessary distracting calculations. These side-track me into a frenzy!

(5.) Please allow me more than the standard time to complete problems and please check to see that I am free of panic (tears in my eyes, mind frozen).

(6.) If possible, please allow me to take the exam on a one-to-one basis in your presence.